by Anonymous

What’s it like being a single, twenty-something, gal dating in Bucks County? Follow Single in the Suburbs as she takes us on her dating (mis)adventures! For more fun in between articles, follow her on Twitter.

Winter is (un)officially here. Fall came slowly, went quickly and Hurricane Sandy left Bucks County with fallen trees, down wires and without power. Not the best way to start the season, but I hope everyone survived and is back in the swing of things. As for me, I decided to brave the torrential downpour to go out on a date.

I frequently visit a popular Mexican food place, where the manager goes out of his way to serve me and offer up an overwhelming amount of compliments-  ‘I missed that beautiful face’, ‘You have the prettiest eyes’.

A bit redundant but sweet, right? He has a charming way about him and a smile that could win over any girl. Thus, he won a date with me (but it took a few tries:-)). We will call him ‘Manager Man’.

One of the times I visited the restaurant, I had slipped my business card in the fish bowl to win a free lunch. Little did I know that I would get a call from him a week later saying I had won.  What a coincidence!  To my surprise, the next day when I went to retrieve my prize, “manager man” was not behind the counter to shower me with compliments. I gave my order to a different waiter, but to my disappoint, the restaurant was out of that dish so I decided to go elsewhere. As I left, I casually told them to tell ‘Manager Man’ that I said ‘Hello’.

As I pulled out of the parking lot, I got a call from- yes, you guessed it-  ‘Manager Man’! He said his coworker had told him I was just there upon which he had decided to dial my digits and apologize for my favorite meal not being available. To make it up, he asked to treat me to lunch that day, and I politely accepted.

“I’ll meet you at Café Alessio in 20,” he said.

“See you then,” I said with a smile.

As I approached the restaurant to find parking I couldn’t help but smile at the fact that this guy had really gone out of his way to get a date with me over the course of about a year. He would always compliment me, give me free food and shoot me that award winning smile. I truly thought he was a catch.

As he approached my car with his perfect grin, DJ Pauly hair style, and tight Polo shirt, we walked inside the restaurant and sat down for lunch. I couldn’t help but notice the Bluetooth in his ear blinking bright blue while his cell phone rested next to his hand as if the President himself would be calling any minute. “Oh well,” I thought, “as long as the food is good and the conversation is interesting I don’t really care what’s in his ear.”

Unfortunately, the conversation never quite got off the ground as every time that I tried to start a sentence he took (are you ready for this?) not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE business phone calls during a 45 minute lunch! I am not exaggerating, and I wish this wasn’t true because I did find him somewhat charming. I’ve got to say, though, that the calls totally killed the date for me.

You can’t spare 45 minutes with a girl you’re obviously attracted too for a nice lunch without interruption? Can you imagine what it would be like if we were dating? I’d start to have conversations with myself! Not to mention at one point he actually told me to “Google” his name because he was some ‘hot shot’ sports player back in his college days. He seemed fairly proud of himself for this accomplishment, and I “excitedly” agreed to search for him once I got home. Yes, let me get right on that. Unbelievable.

After the phone calls killed the spark, it turned really sour when the conversation landed on his cheating ex-girlfriend. Red with anger, shoveling food in his month, and raising his voice, he told me that he will never get over it and never forgive her.  Bitter, much? The pent up anger was a huge red flag. I believe in forgiving those who have hurt you in order to move on and without making that step, you’re only hurting yourself. He didn’t seem to get that and honestly at this point I didn’t seem to get him.

Check, please!


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