
“Hard to Believe,” an award-winning documentary produced by Swoop Films and directed by Emmy Award-winning director, Ken Stone, will be featured at the New Hope Film Festival on July 30, 2016 at 12:45 (Stephen J. Buck Memorial Theater, 180 W. Bridge St., New Hope, PA, 18938). The film exposes the Chinese government’s widespread practice of executing political prisoners and selling their organs to “transplant tourists.”

“Hard to Believe” is a serious investigation into one of the most horrifying human rights abuses of our time. The murder of prisoners of conscience in China and the sale of their organs to foreign patients, comes to life through personal stories, including an author’s 7-year investigation and a surgeon’s confession.

Investigators estimate that up to 10,000 prisoners of conscience have been killed annually for the sale of their organs after 2001, when China’s prison population exploded after the Chinese Communist Party began persecuting any citizen practicing the Falun Gong spiritual discipline.

Leading U.S. ethicist and Founding Director of the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU, Arthur Caplan, PhD. says the film, “Hard To Believe”, is “an important, timely, and deeply disturbing account of one of the great human rights abuses of our time.”


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