Protecting your teeth and keeping them healthy is important. We don’t really think about our teeth often, but the complications that could happen as a result of mistreating them are dire. With these tips on keeping teeth healthy and protected, you will learn how changing even the slightest part of your everyday routine can make a big difference in the health and vitality of your teeth.

  • Wear a mouth guard when playing sports. Along with a physical therapist to help with muscle injuries, professional athletes also have a dentist who care for their teeth because participating in sports can cause dental injuries. To prevent any damage to your teeth, wearing a mouth guard during sports games is recommended .Wearing a helmet that covers the face is also beneficial when playing sports like football and lacrosse, as it can help to further protect your teeth. It is important to be extremely cautious when playing hockey and basketball, as tooth injury is common and more likely to happen because of the lack of protection in these sports.
  • Brush your teeth twice day. Most kids are taught at an early age that brushing twice a day is a routine to stick to, but some people abandon this routine and ultimately put their teeth a risk. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is important because it prevents the buildup of plaque and harmful bacteria. Without brushing with toothpaste, bacteria are able to grow and ultimately cause infection, which can result in damage to teeth.
  • When brushing, use toothpaste with fluoride. Brushing your teeth with toothpaste that contains fluoride is beneficial because fluoride helps to strengthen teeth and ultimately protects them from damaging easily. Fluoride also helps to prevent cavities and makes the surface of teeth cleaner, leaving you with a healthy, bright smile!
  • Avoid tobacco. Smoking tobacco and using other tobacco products not only leads to bad breath and yellow teeth, but it can also lead to gum disease. This happens to be the number one cause of tooth loss. The use of tobacco also causes bone loss in the jaw and can make it harder to fully recover from dental procedures. The best way to protect your teeth from these harmful affects is to refrain from using any type of these products.
  • Break those chewing habits. When stressed or nervous, a go-to habit for some is chewing on non-edible items. Chewing on something like a pencil is not good for the teeth, as the surface is hard and can cause the teeth to chip or break. Your teeth may be able to initially withstand biting hard objects, but after a while they can become weakened and damaged, requiring surgery to fix.
  • Limit acidic drinks. Beverages like orange juice and soda have properties that can wear down tooth enamel and ultimately cause cavities and tooth weakness. Newtown dentist professionals recommend limiting your consumption of these drinks will reduce the risk of damaging your teeth.


unnamedWith these tips you’ll protect your smile and worry less about any damage. The most important thing you can do is to go to the dentist regularly to ensure the health of your teeth.




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