Photo by Stephen Harris

New Hope Celebrates (NHC) will kick-off the 14th Annual Pride Week and Weekend Celebration on Sunday, May 14, 2017. The week will begin with the unfurling of our 50-foot Rainbow Equality Flag atop the Delaware House Building, which currently houses the Starbucks on Bridge St., New Hope, PA.

Festivities will continue across the bridge in Lambertville, NJ with the second annual PIG OUT, a pig roast hosted by Dish Catering at the Lambertville House Hotel Courtyard on Bridge St. in Lambertville, NJ.

There will be a great line-up of entertainment during the entire week. The historic Bucks County Playhouse will showcase a new play Cue. On Friday, May 19 NHC along with the Bucks County Playhouse, will be partnering for a fundraiser with a special cocktail reception.

The Raven will have dance parties with special DJs, piano sing-alongs and drag shows. They will also host Sunday brunch on May 21, followed by our newest event, Wet-N-Wild Pride Pool Party at the Raven.

Havana will once again sponsor the annual Of icial Pride Women’s Party on Sunday, May 21.

Art enthusiasts will have the chance to do a walking tour of area galleries, including the Bucks County Visitors Center, Factory Girl Bakery in New Hope and River Queens Artisans Gallery in Lambertville, NJ. They will feature our LGBT History Exhibit, showcasing memorabilia, photos and stories from our archives.

Local bars and restaurants will host the 3rd Annual Best Cocktail Contest sponsored by Tito’s Handmade Vodka and Jose Cuervo Silver Tequila.

The highlight of the festival is the annual Parade and Pride Fair on Saturday, May 20. The parade will begin in Lambertville, NJ at 11:30AM; crossing over the bridge into New Hope, Pa. There will be floats and marching bands including the Big Apple Corps and

the DC Drummers. This is the only nationally recognized Pride Parade that crosses both state lines, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

NHC and its presenting sponsor, Landmark Hospitality and the Logan Inn will present New Hope’s new 100ft long Rainbow Equality Parade Flag. It is sure to be the highlight of this year’s Parade.

After the parade, the Logan Inn will play host to this year’s Pride Village, located in the Logan Inn parking lot. The fair will include West Ferry Street, Ferry Street Park and a portion of the Bucks County Playhouse. These areas will be closed to local traffic for the entire day. There will be many exciting vendors offering arts and crafts, pride goods and local services. The Logan Inn will offer food and adult beverages. This area has been designated a Smoke Free Zone.

Our Food Court will be located at the Bucks County Playhouse, serving a variety of festival foods. Many of our local non-profit organizations will also be there, offering their services.

There will be “dancing in the streets” on West Ferry Street where we will host LIVE entertainment on our Pride Street Stage.

Performers will include the Josh Zuckerman Band, Christine Havrilla & the Gypsy Fuzz, Christine Martucci and The Band of Love

Chad D and some of New Hope’s famous drag queens as well!

All are welcome to attend. A suggested $5 donation at the Fair will help support New Hope Celebrates and future events.

For tickets to an event and more information, or if you are interested in becoming a vendor, visit New Hope Celebrates website at You can also download the New Hope Celebrates app on your phone for festival updates.

We Are Supported By:

EdenOrganicsAP24 JennysFlowersAP25 DynamixGymnasticsAP21 BishopEstatesAPBasic ArtinBarnAP23

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