by Jen Phillips April

Facebook, Twitter, and a groundbreaking App, these aren’t concepts but an everyday reality with the United Way of Bucks County.

Jamie Haddon, President and CEO of the Bucks County United Way, gets the power of technology and tools like social media.

“It’s the role of the United Way to amplify the voices of the nonprofits with education, income and health.  The needs in Bucks County are the same as the needs as other places in the country and people need our help. “

Social media is one way to increase their reach.

Last July, the United Way invited 1,700 nonprofits to Aldie Mansion to discuss their needs and network with one another.  Dubbed a “Community Conversation”, local social media enthusiasts came to tweet from the event.

Over 3,000 tweets were sent based on the conversation and within two hours, the #unitedbucks trended to number 4 on Twitter across the world.

“Social media has connected us with a whole group of new people who are advocates and leaders in the community. I think it’s only the beginning.” says Jamie Haddon.

There’s an App for That

Not only is the United Way building a strong following on Facebook and Twitter, there’s an app too.  Finding information on countywide social services has never been easier thanks to Signature Systems in Newtown.

This app houses all the contact information for social services in Bucks County, bringing up to date a book called Connections, last published 5 years ago.

Now the contact information is current and the general public can use it too.  Anyone who needs help in Bucks County can find hundreds of resources at their fingertips.

Not only that, but it makes volunteering easy too.  For example, if a family wanted to volunteer at a shelter one Saturday morning near their home, they could find who needs help and learn how close they are to their home.

According to Haddon, “Last year 1 in 10 people in Bucks County were touched by the United Way. “That number will only grow if more people know what’s available to them when they’re in need.”

Getting the word out has never been easier.


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