Since we can't get together in person with people due to #stayathome mandates, people are turning to social media more than ever for some connection. When it comes to local accounts, there are plenty worth following. Here are just a few suggestions to make you smile, laugh, or feel inspired.

Tip: We previously shared 6 Accounts to Follow and then 6 More Social Accounts to Follow Today. And if you're not already, be sure to follow Bucks Happening on Facebook and Instagram!



Lauren Racobaldo is a 2020 Happening List Finalist for Social Media Personality. The Bucks County mom and realtor shares glimpses into her life with content focused on motherhood, lifestyle and home decor. During this time of quarantine, she's been posting pics of what she and her family are doing to keep sane with 3 kids, some cute pups, and chickens, too. It's all really relatable stuff … and it doesn't hurt that her home is beautiful.


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The laundry is continually piling up, the sink is constantly full, and even our roomba can’t keep up with the vacuuming these days 🤦🏻‍♀️ But with all that’s going on in the world, we end each night with hugs and “I love yous” because each day that we wake up is a gift and should be cherished💞 I am thankful for my family’s health during this time and hope we all can continue doing our part by staying at home and making memories with our loved ones. #perspectiveiseverything • • • • #momblogger #momlife #begrateful #motherhoodunplugged #lifestyleblogger #livethelittlethings #abmlifeiscolorful #documentyourdays #girlmom #momlifeisthebestlife #clickinmoms #cornerofmyhome #darlingdaily #bloggerstyle #bloggersofinstagram #momtogs #homedecor #decor #farmhousedecor #shoppingaddict #interiorstyling #livelifehappy

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Kyle Smith and Melissa Jay are two friends from Bucks County who share a mutual love of food, travel and drinks. They're the voices behind the blog Allons-Eat (a play on the French phrase “Allons-y!”, which means “Let's go!” and were 2020 Happening List Finalists for Best Social Media Personality. We love them for their allergy-conscious food porn and recipes. Check them out before you make your next grocery store shopping list.



Kathy Romano was voted our 2020 Happening List Winner for Famous Bucks-er. If you've EVER listened to the radio, you probably know Kathy from the Preston & Steve Show, but you might not realize that she's active on social media. Follow her on Instagram for behind-the-scenes pics from the show, tips on local spots (ya know, when we can enjoy them), fashion inspiration (she has her own jewelry collection) and more.



Lolly and YoYo are kids' entertainers and authors that are known for their interactive shows that blend music and fun fitness games. You can usually catch them performing at places like Peddler's Village, The Little Pod and Bucks County Community College. But during this time of social distancing, they're cranking up the online content to bring their entertainment right to your home! They're posting YouTube videos with activities to try, storytime sessions, live virtual fitness & yoga events on Zoom, and more. Follow on Instagram so you don't miss anything.



Christina Bruce was our 2020 Happening List Winner for Children’s Photographer. While she might not be doing any sessions right now, she's still posting pics from the past. So it's a great resource if you're looking for inspiration for future family photos when this is all over. (Maybe after we've all had a chance to get our hair done?!) PS – She posts even more on Facebook.


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Lifestyle family sessions = newest obsession ❤️

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If you're a regular BH reader, you might already know about Kristin Smedley. She was both our 2019 and 2020 Happening List Winner for Power Person and one of our Happenistas at Happenistas Night Out. Kristin is a motivational speaker, advocate for the blind and visually impaired, author and CEO of the Curing Retinal Blindness Foundation. Kristin's always a good one to follow for inspiring stories and quotes. Recently, she's been going live with her son Mitchell (both of her sons are blind) as he reads from her book Thriving Blind: Stories of Real People Succeeding Without Sight. They're going live on Tuesdays at 6:45 p.m.


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