Bucks County Community College brings the world to your living room with National Geographic Live!, a series of affordable online events featuring live question-and-answer sessions with NatGeo moderators.

Presented by Bucks Live!, the next event is “Scientific Exposure” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, February 9.

A honeybee (Apis mellifera) emerges halfway from its brood cell in this image by National Geographic photographer Anand Varma. Join Varma and fellow photographer Prasenjeet Yadav in NatGeo Live’s “Scientific Exposure” at 7 p.m. Tue. Feb. 9. The online event is sponsored by Bucks County Community College. (CREDIT: ANAND VARMA).

Natural history photographers working with National Geographic have often emerged from scientific backgrounds, enabling them to reveal wildlife and our natural world in surprising ways. Molecular biologist-turned-photographer Prasenjeet Yadav combines his experience in research with his photography skills, and Anand Varma has developed innovative techniques to create stunning images of creatures whose details are otherwise invisible to the naked eye. Join them for stories and conversation on the intriguing intersection of science and photography.

The series continues at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 16, with “Feats of Filmmaking.”

Keith Ladzinski, who filmed this rock climber high above the valley floor in France’s Verdon Gorge, will discuss “Feats of Filmmaking” with Bryan Smith at 7 p.m. March 16 in a NatGeo Live! online event. Both filmmakers are renowned for capturing extreme feats of adventure in some of the world’s most remote and inhospitable environments. (CREDIT: KEITH LADZINSKI).

Meet two filmmakers renowned for capturing extreme feats of adventure in some of the world’s most remote and inhospitable environments. Bryan Smith brings stories of adventure to the screen from the South Pacific’s deepest canyons to the frozen waters of Niagara Falls. And Keith Ladzinski takes on the seemingly impossible — including chasing tornadoes, or hanging from massive natural arches — to document the endeavors of the world’s most elite adventurers.

How to Watch

National Geographic photographer Anand Varma, who captured this green violet-ear hummingbird midflight, will share how his degree in integrative biology influences his photography in NatGeo Live’s “Scientific Exposure” at 7 p.m. Tue. Feb. 9, joined by fellow photographer Prasenjeet Yadav. (CREDIT: ANAND VARMA).

Tickets for NatGeo Live! are only $5. A link to view the online presentation will be emailed upon ticket purchase. To purchase, visit bucks.edu/tickets.

Bucks Live! is another way that Bucks County Community College contributes to our region’s cultural heritage. To learn about more virtual events, visit bucks.edu/tickets.

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