Calling All Motivated High School Juniors and Seniors!

During a time where many high school students may be feeling a bit lost with the changes to their typical school year and activities, Bucks County Community College offers a way to get ahead and prepare for the future. Bucks County Community College offers two programs in which high school students can earn college credit: the dual enrollment and high school enrichment programs. Why not use this time of social distancing to get a head start on college?

What are the two types of programs offered? 

Bucks County Community College offers two programs in which high school students can earn college credit: the dual enrollment and high school enrichment programs. Dual enrollment courses are select courses taught by Bucks faculty at several county high schools before, during, or after the high school day as determined by high school administration. For the fall 2020 semester, these courses will be taught online or remote. In the high school enrichment program, high school students enroll in Bucks courses online or on-campus and are integrated into the college classroom alongside degree-seeking students. The high school enrichment program is highly individualized with students taking courses of their choosing.

What are the deadlines for high school students?

High school students follow the same deadlines and a similar process as degree-seeking students, but they work with the Special Projects Coordinator in Admissions instead of an academic advisor. After submitting the Bucks application, high school students will need to complete placement tests or obtain placement test waivers, if eligible. Next, they submit an online form called the High School Approval Form to request registration approval. After the form is received and processed, students will receive an email with registration approval, instructions, and important information about becoming a Bucks student. The full process is detailed on the website: Registration is permitted until the day before the course starts, as space remains, so be sure to get started soon!  Classes begin on 8/26, with a more limited selection starting 9/14.

Interested students can email questions to

Are the classes the same as a college student, or are there only specific classes open to high school students? 

In the dual enrollment program where courses are taught by Bucks faculty at local high schools, only select courses are available; however, high school students can also take courses online or on a Bucks campus where they have a wide variety of options.

High school students are eligible for any Bucks course for which they meet the prerequisites. Many courses either have no prerequisites or prerequisites that can be met with placement test scores; juniors and seniors may be eligible for placement tests waivers based on GPA. Overall, high school students have lots of options in the course catalog. They tend to take courses that can meet general education requirements, but we also have students who decide to take courses for their future college major. Depending on when students start, they can finish high school with a few college credits or a full semester’s worth of credits, all the way to an Associate Degree.

How is the pandemic affecting this program? 

Since the high school enrichment program is individualized for each student, students have continued to participate in the program and are registering for fall courses every day. Students can choose to enroll in a fully online course or a remote course where instructors teach using technology like Zoom at the scheduled class time.

This summer, the number of high school students enrolling in summer courses nearly doubled, up 90% compared to summer 2019. This can likely be attributed to students having more time after vacations, travel, and other activities were canceled. They used their time wisely!

“I encourage high school students to consider taking a college course while still in high school. You can explore a major that you’re considering; learn the ropes of college before juggling a full-time college course load; get a head start on your future studies; save money at Bucks before transitioning to a bachelor’s degree program. Bucks offers quality education with dedicated instructors and small class sizes, and has launched thousands onto successful completion of a bachelor’s degree and into the workforce.”
– Lindsay Possiel, Special Projects Coordinator, Admissions Office

Bucks County Community College has been excelling in online coursework for decades, so take advantage of more open schedules and time at home with an online or remote college course. While high school students are not obligated to continue at Bucks after graduation, there are certainly benefits to enrolling at the public, two-year college. Marlene Barlow, Director of Admissions stated, “Inside Higher Ed has reported that nearly half of all college students start their college education at a community college, and we’re proud to have educated thousands from our county, launching students onto premier transfer universities and satisfying careers in all areas of the workplace.” In fact, you can take a look the College's 60+ transfer agreements that are designed for students who earn their Associate Degree at Bucks at

Throughout the pandemic, Bucks County Community College has been sharing the ways they help students “Stay Close, Go Far.” And with high school enrichment programs, juniors and seniors can get a headstart on their journey!

For more information about the Bucks County Community College High School Enrichment Programs, visit

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