Bucks County Delaware RiverWhether your looking out on it; crossing over it; or tubing down it, the scenic Delaware River is a big part of what makes Bucks County special.  Now, there's another way to enjoy time on the water in Bucks, by taking a trip with Bucks County Riverboat Company in Upper Black Eddy.

The River Otter is a 52′ coast guard certified pontoon boat that offers cocktail cruises to the general public.  Bucks Happening recently took a trip with Captain Dee- sipping wine from the cash bar, sampling the variety of cheeses on board, learning some interesting facts about the Delaware, and simply sitting back for some R&R!  Friendly locals aboard their own personal boats passed us by throughout the trip, offering up enthusiastic “Hellos!” in a true neighborly fashion.

Why aren't there more awesome attractions like this you might ask? Captain Dee explained that while much of the river is too shallow to support this type of boat, the waters near Upper Black Eddy maintain a higher water level due to the natural bottleneck just south of the region, providing a unique opportunity.

The cost is $28/person plus a cash Riverboat Pub and includes lite fare featuring a variety of cheese and crackers. The length of the cruise will be approximately 1 ½ hrs. Check out more photos from our trip below.

The Riverboat departs from Keller’s Landing at 1469 River Road.

Bucks County riverboat

Bucks County riverboat

Bucks County riverboat

Bucks County riverboat

Bucks County riverboat

Bucks County riverboat


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