Picture this- you're driving along Route 202 one afternoon in April, on your way home from a long day at work or with the kids, when you take notice of the beautiful blooming Daffodils alongside the road.  You stop, appreciate the beauty, and think, “Wow, I'm lucky to live in such a beautiful place.”

That's a scene that is likely to happen all over Bucks County this spring thanks to the hard work of Bucks Beautiful, an organization that has planted 500,000 beautiful daffodils that will bloom in Bucks this April along the Delaware Canal, Route 611, and Route 202.

The bulbs will bloom approximately April 1st to April 25th, and the organization is asking locals to join in the celebration by decorating your home, business or shop windows with daffodils and yellow decorations to help spread the excitement of Spring's first bloom “Daffodils.”

Started in 2010, Bulbs for Bucks is a non-profit organization that works to beautify our community at key locations with the first splendor of spring.  In 2010, the organization began with just 30,000 daffodil bulbs alongside the 611 Bypass. An additional 10,000 bulbs were planted in the fall of 2011. In 2011, that grew to 300,000 daffodil bulbs planted along the Delaware Canal from Bristol to Riegelsville. This year, 173,250 daffodil bulbs were planted along the new Route 202 Parkway and Route 202 Bypass. That means that in just three years, Bucks Beautiful has planted over 500,000 daffodil bulbs!



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SellersvilleAP24 ArtinBarnAP23 BBHairAP22 BridgeAcupunctureAP25 RadianceSpaAP2020

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