
 by Lauren Rooney

Streets full of snow, dry skin, stuffy heads and homes be gone! It's time to embrace the spring season with all 5 of your senses! 

SMELL the roses

Spring is a great time to remember to stop and smell the roses, or better yet plant some yourself so that you can smell them everyday! If you're the type of person who was born with green thumbs you're probably itching to get back into your garden this spring. Those of us who are merely blossom admirers, however, have a lot of options here in Bucks County including Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve and Paxton Hill Farm, both located in New Hope.  If this is the year you want to dig in and start your own garden you can find all the help you need by getting in touch with the Master Gardeners of Bucks County, a group backed by Penn State University formed to educate residents about good gardening practices.

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 FEEL the wind on your face

The only feeling more exhilarating than that of fresh spring air breezing past your face is the feeling you get after a wonderful workout. Bucks County has so many parks that offer tremendous trails for walking, biking, running, and hiking. Whether you're an avid exercise enthusiast or a couch potato with the desire to get moving, take the opportunity to get out to one of our great parks on one of the many spring days ahead! If you're looking for a little extra help getting moving or just a buddy for the journey check out one of Bucks County's running clubs such as the Bucks County roadrunners.  Who knows, there could be a 5K or even a marathon in your future!

 HEAR the crackling of a fire

Ghost stories around the fire are not just for Halloween. After a long winter indoors spring is a great time to shake out your tent and prepare your s'mores! Your camping adventure can be as simple as setting up in your own backyard or you can take advantage of one of the many campgrounds that we have right here in Bucks.  Many of them open in April and some of them, like Little Red Barn Campground in Quakertown, even offer spring specials!

 SEE the beauty in your own art

Spring is all about getting outside and here in Bucks County we have so many beautiful landscapes to admire while doing it.  Why not try going out on a beautiful day and recreating those pretty pictures yourself.  Don’t have the artist’s touch? That’s ok you can take a class right here in Bucks County.  The Artists of Yardley is just one of many options for budding artists.  They even have a spring class called “I never painted before in my life!”  Sounds easy enough, right?

 TASTE the delicacies of spring

Let's face it we like to eat and drink at all times of the year but there's nothing better when spring weather comes around than enjoying some of the delicious food and drinks that Bucks County has to offer while sitting outside! A great place to do both is at Buttonwood Grill in Peddlers Village.  As soon as the weather permits you will be able enjoy the lighter-fare spring menu they are unveiling for the season outside on their deck.  If you really want to kick the season off right you can join them on Friday April 25th from 7-10pm for the official deck opening, which will feature beer tastings from several local breweries, plenty of appetizers, and chances to win prizes, tickets are $30.  You can even vote for your favorite beer and the winner will be on tap at the grill all summer long.  That’s right, we said summer! It will be here before you know it so let’s all enjoy spring with all of our senses before it’s too late!

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