13 years old Angela Farinella of Bensalem, PA has been watching her cousins raise service dogs for Canine Companions for Independence for almost 8 years. In learning that these dogs are given for free to children, adults, and veterans across the country and that it takes about $50,000 to give one of these dogs to someone for free, she decided that she wanted to help.
She asked if she could raise a dog, but her parents said it was something they were unable to do when she asked. Determined, she discovered the DogFest Walk ‘n Roll events happening across the country. These events raise money to help provide more dogs to give independence for those in need. They suggested Angela select a DogFest Walk ‘n Roll and form a team to raise a little money for that walk and roll.
When Angela started looking for one near her home in Bucks County, she found that she would have to go to Long Island in New York or Washington, DC. The Philadelphia Chapter of Canine Companions for Independence were not yet big enough to host their own DogFest Walk ‘n Roll.
Angela, who was 12 at the time, was convinced that the Philadelphia Chapter needed to host a DogFest. It took some time, but she convinced her mom to make the call to Canine Companions Northeast Region and see what they would have to do to hold a Walk ‘n Roll. Angela then convinced the Philadelphia Chapter that she was ready to Co-Chair the event with her mom, if the chapter would help. She had the backing of the Philadelphia Chapter as of July 2015.
She and her team had only three months to raise money for the October 10, 2015 DogFest Philly event. Angela went with her mom and a couple of adorably convincing Canine Companions pups to a local bank and convinced them to contribute $1000 toward her event. A couple of Philadelphia Chapter puppy raisers and one graduate team of Canine Companions for Independence each raised over $1000. In the end, Angela and her team raised almost $15,000! The majority of the funds raised came from donations of $25 and under. When funds slowed down, Angela even started a #Give10 campaign. She asked people to give $10 or a multiple of $10. If they couldn't give $10, she asked if they could find 10 people to give $1.
DogFest Philly Walk ‘n Roll was held on October 10, 2015 at Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem, PA. She had the Bristol Lions serving food they donated at the event. The persistence and convincing of one 12 year old young lady was able to raise almost $15,000 to support a team training for about 10-14 graduates of Canine Companions for Independence! Instead of just forming a team and raising a small amount of money, this now 13 year old young lady, brought together a group of people to make a difference in the lives of approximately 14 people.
And she's not finished. Angela, her mom and their team of volunteers are ready to hold another DogFest Philly at the Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem on October 8, 2016. They plan on raising more than they did last year! Check out the official event Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/2015dogfestphilly.
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