Great news for Bucks County residents: it looks like New Hope's iconic restaurant on the water, Odette's, is opening its doors once again.  A local financial group has acquired the restaurant with the intention of re-opening the famed establishment.

For those of you who know the history of New Hope, this is a truly remarkable development.  Later this year, the Bucks County Playhouse will re-open its doors for the first time since 2010.  The two establishments had a dramatic effect on the history and culture of New Hope in years past.

After years of planning, the plans were solidified yesterday.  New Hope resident William T. Spiropoulos (President and CEO of Core States Capital Advisors, LLC) has just announced the formation of River House Partners, LLC and its plans to revitalize Odette's.  Michael Amery, the owner of the AAA 4-Diamond Inn at Bowman's Hill, has been working to re-open the restaurant for a number of years.  According to Amery, the success of the plan was made possible through the support of local community and elected officials.

We're excited by the efforts towards the revitalization of such an iconic New Hope establishment.  Stay tuned as more details become available.

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