Alison Dunlap Photography

Bronwyn Bergen, Founder Star Kids Life Coaches

Bronwyn Bergen is the founder of Stars Kids Life Coaches in Newtown, PA.  How did this co-owner of those delicious Playa Bowls franchises in the Bucks County area decide to start a life coaches business for kids? Bronwyn says she came up with the idea because as an elementary school teacher, the biggest issue with the kids that she recognized was their level of stress and pressure plus a lack of confidence.  Adults had life coaches, she reasoned, where were the life coaches for kids?  She did some research, found a class that taught life coaching skills for kids in the UK called Kids Life Studio, graduated from the class and combined with her master's degree in education and psychology, brought the skills back here in the States to kids.  That was five years ago and the resulting business, Stars Kids Life Coaches, is growing with additional trainers and expanding into other States.  Bronwyn’s company helps over 100 kids a year, ages five through eighteen both in person and through tele-coaching.

We asked Bronwyn:

What has made you the most proud in your business?

She responded that when she creates a personal, tailor-made program for a child and she sees it work for the child through physical manifestation and a noticeable body language shift into relaxation she feels truly rewarded.  Her goal is always to help the child “become the best version of themselves.”

What surprised you the most with the creation of Stars Kids Life Coaches?

“How quickly it has grown,” she said.  “I added a training program for new coaches.” It was great to help children but she realized the need to find other like-minded and trained members of the Star Kids Life team to help even more children across the county.

What advice do you have for other female entrepreneurs who would like to get started in their own business?

“Go for it!” Bronwyn advises to do what you need to do to get your business off the ground. It might be crazy at first but it will come together. She described the start of Star Kid Life Coaches as exhausting. She had not retired from teaching yet, so she was working around the clock.  “The passion to do this work and the good it was doing for kids was what kept her going,” she said.

What is next in your plans for Stars Kids Life Coaches?

Bronwyn is planning to grow and develop new niches for each new coach that she adds to her team to address the needs of the kids.  She is also expanding into Athletic Mindset Coaching. As well, tele-coaching has become part of her practice and it is here to stay alongside “in-person” training.

We asked her a few fun questions, too:

What is the one organizational tool that you can not live without?

Her laptop, but she added that the old fashioned daily planner is making a comeback!

What is the best piece of advice you can share?

“Take a Pause” – When someone says something that draws an emotional response, take a pause. Take a pause…digest it, think about it, then respond.

Who is a business icon, role model for you?

She loves Oprah's mission of founding schools to empower girls around the world. “Anyone who empowers people, especially kids, is my hero,” she told us.

What in your life do you NOT spend time on?

Brownwyn does not waste time on idle, silly gossip or the speculation of others.  “Stay confident in your own strengths and skills and do not compare it with your peers. Recognize the uniqueness and power in what you offer.”

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jefferson outpatient imaging
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