
Each year, we ask locals to nominate Bucks County’s most influential people – men and women who are shaping the community, influencing their industries, and making a difference. Dozens of amazing stories were submitted about passionate and committed locals. At Bucks Happening, we salute all those who wake up every morning with the intention of leaving the world just a little bit better.

10 outstanding individuals have been named the Top 10 Movers & Shakers of the year, and we have the honor of sharing their stories on Bucks Happening. Meet Kenneth Hone, who works behind the scenes at the Village Library of Wrightstown, Village Renaissance Faire, Tri-Township Baseball, Middletown Grange, Arts & Cultural Council of Bucks County, and in the Bucks County Public Defender Office. Get to know Ken:

Bucks Happening: What motivates you every morning?

Ken: Family, friends, and that person you meet who steps up and does the right thing , steps up to help, just because they know it right….random acts of kindness

Bucks Happening: What would you say is your idea of a perfect day?

Ken: Waking up with family, seeing the sun rise over the ocean, then enjoying a home cooked breakfast.  After breakfast we go ,go to the beach hearing the crushing waves, listening to music, we then break for  fun time in the ocean waves or starting a community game on the beach, we go home for lunch then take a hike, bike ride, or maybe a ballgame.  We have a nice dinner, again at home, and then got back to the dunes, or bay and see the sun set over the water.  in the evening we reminiscence, and joke about things, and have time with friends and family.

Bucks Happening: Who inspires you?

Ken: My original source of inspiration was my mother who raised 3 children alone, but always found time to be a scout leader, school volunteer, volunteer every night (not just our nights) at the local baseball league, and still found time for each of us equally.  My wife has been a constant sense of inspiration as the best mother I could ask for our children and supportive of my decision to earn less so I can be home more while also giving back to the community in many ways as a volunteer.

Bucks Happening: How did you decide to go into your business/profession/service?

Ken: I was always concerned about people being treated fairly and justly.  This often meant becoming friends with people whom others ignored or treated fairly,  giving people second chances by not judging them quickly on their mistakes.  From these decisions, I met some of the greatest people I know and inspired me to become a public defender so that no matter what one is accused of, they are treated fairly and know that someone is fighting to give them a second chance.

Bucks Happening: Which achievement are you most proud of?

Ken: Being a good father, friend and husband. In the community, it would be the Village renaissance Faire, where a one day Renaissance Day in an elementary school gym, through the compassion of volunteers and performers, turned into a regional faire earning national recognition all while being run by and for a public library.  It shows the power of community and common goals.

Bucks Happening: What has been the biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome?

Ken: I was raised without a father role model, yet I was able to become a good father and husband by learning how to love, respect, and support my wife and children as individuals and as part of our family from my loving mother who made up for the lack of a male role model.

Bucks Happening: What is the biggest accomplishment that you’d like to achieve over the next 5 years?

Ken: I would like to be able to develop a successor for the Village Renaissance Faire so I can continue and start a new community initiative to add more programming for all to our area, while still having time to spend with family that should be graduating from college, starting careers, or travelling to our beautiful national parks together.

Bucks Happening: How do you think your friends & coworkers would describe you?

Ken: Relentless, a true believer, dedicated, energizer bunny, and always looking for the good in someone. Thinks anything is possible.

Bucks Happening: Where’s your favorite place to go in Bucks County?

Ken: Tyler Park–its where I married my wife, rebuilt the covered bridge, and our family has gone for walks, playgrounds, and boating

Bucks Happening: You can take a time machine back to visit yourself 10 years ago. What advice would you give?

Ken: Always maintain balance in work, friends, family & community—Enjoy your friends and family , and keep more keepsakes of those special moments.

Bucks Happening: Same question 10 years in the future.

Ken: Remember friends and family. Just once each day think back to someone, or something that did that helped others to reflect on what you h

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