with Influencer Tiffani Beaston and Rockette Taylor Shimko

Prejuvenation La Chele Bucks County

Millennials have grown up in a world very different from the generations before it. Most notably, they are known are the first “digitally native” generation. While Gen X and Baby Boomers learned how to email and text in adulthood, Millennials and Gen Z have never known a screen-less existence.

When it comes to beauty and wellness, Millennials are also the first generation to experience the power of medical aesthetics as a mature field. In its nascency, the world of medical aesthetics hit the scene as those in prior generations were already experiencing aging. Boomers and Gen Xers have embraced anti-aging beauty services, from lasers to injections, appreciating the softening of fine lines and the removal of imperfections. But Millennials are the first generation with the opportunity to PREVENT the aging from happening in the first place. We call that: Prejuvenation.

What Is Prejuvenation?

While fillers, injections, and lasers can provide stunning results to reduce or reverse the signs of aging, an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure. The rule applies here too! Millennials are increasingly turning to prejuvenation services to prevent skin damage before it ever happens. Prejuvenation regimes include at-home skincare regimes, minimally invasive facial services like micro-needling, chemical peels, and Hydrafacials, and occasionally, lasers and fillers. By proactively treating the skin before it shows the damage that comes with age, one is able to sustain a youthful, NATURAL look far, far longer than ever before.

We teamed up with 2021 Happening List Winners La Chelé Medical Aesthetics to follow two local influencers as they start their prejuvenation journey.

Follow the Journey

Tiffani Beaston is a wife, mother, and social media entrepreneur. She left her nursing career to pursue her passion, YouTube, and has amassed nearly 80 MILLION views on YouTube. Check out youtube.com/BeautyTheBeastons for all things cleaning, cooking videos, and organization. You can follow the journeys of Tiffani, her husband Chris, and her 4 children via their other channel youtube.com/beastonfamilyvibes.

Taylor Shimko is a professional dancer, realtor, and for the past 10+ years, a Radio City Rockette.

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