This new year, make a resolution to invest in yourself and your education. Start on your path towards an associate degree at Bucks! Choose from more than 400 classes, most held 100% remote or online.
Bucks County Community College, which was recently ranked the number one online community college in the state by Guide to Online Schools, is accepting registration for the spring semester that starts January 20.
Students can choose from more than 80 programs of study that lead to either an associate degree or certificate. Bucks has more than 68 transfer agreements that allow students to apply their two years at Bucks towards a bachelor’s degree at a four-year college or university.
Courses remain mostly remote and online, although select courses that require hands-on training occasionally meet in-person amid strict social -distancing requirements.
When registering, students can choose among several new majors, including four leading to a two-year associate degree, and two that allow a student to earn a certificate in about one year. They are:
Brewing & Fermentation Science Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree
Business AAS degree
Data Science Associate of Science (AS) degree
Dance Associate of Arts (AA) degree
Baking & Pastry certificate
Business Analytics certificate
While the Data Science and Dance degrees are designed to transfer to a four-year college or university, the other new programs will help students enter a specific occupation upon completion, according to Provost Lisa Angelo.
“Most of our occupational programs are generated in response to our community partners and advisory boards who tell us when there is a need for workers in a particular industry,” Angelo said. “For transfer programs, our Admissions office or our Transfer and Advising office will note that students are asking for a particular program to match what they want to study at a four-year school.”
Advisors and support staff are available to help students choose from more than 400 courses. Most courses begin January 20, with additional courses starting February 8, March 22 and April 5. Tuition remains an affordable $165 a credit for Bucks County residents. More information is available at, or by calling 215-968-8100 or emailing
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