On Sunday, March 10th, Thorpe Farm of Washington Crossing, PA posted this plea to the community via their Facebook fan-page:

thorpe farm

I feel I have nothing to loss right now and maybe everything to gain. If you know someone or something that could help us please private message me.

We are a small 147 acre First Nation non certified organic family farm in Bucks County, PA since the early 40's and we fell victim to predatory lending when we purchased the property from relatives in 2007.

Here is a little history of what has been happening to date, the township is not helping in this effort and in fact is making the process exceedingly difficult. On October 13 we had a devastating suspicious fire in the main shop where, most of our equipment was stored along with a repair shop then 2 week later hurricane Sandy did extensive damage to the property as a result the property is not visually appealing and in need of extensive repairs. Our township ordered our farm store shut down due to this without an inspection. This has been a journey where we've built international awareness, we have a very good business plan, but we went to bankruptcy court today and the judge has given us a small opportunity to get our plan funded to support the plan for the future. This a good opportunity for an investor. Part of my land would be the collateral.

If at all possible, can you watch our video and pass to anyone that you think could help. And if you know anyone else that might be able to help us, please contact me at redhwk371@aol.com. Thank you for your time in this urgent matter.

Dale Redhawk Thorpe

Ways to help:

Save the Thorpe First Nation Farm – Bucks County, PA
http://on.fb.me/ZJjtqY Sign and write: http://bit.ly/XO3Dsv Dale Redhawk is threatened by a USDA-approved bank that wants to foreclose to make money after sw…

Save the Thorpe First Nation Farm – Bucks County, PA
http://on.fb.me/ZJjtqY Sign and write: http://bit.ly/XO3Dsv Dale Redhawk is threatened by a USDA-app

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