“GASLAND”, the new documentary film by acclaimed Pennsylvanian filmmaker Josh Fox will be featured at the County Theater in Doylestown Wednesday, June 2, 7:00 pm, to kick off a 20-stop tour of Pennsylvania and New York in a run-up to the June 21st HBO premiere of the film, which is the winner of this year’s Sundance Film Festival’s Special Jury Prize. Tickets will be available at the box office after noon on 6/2 or purchase online.
Some of you may have heard about the much debated decision over whether to drill for natural gas near the Delaware River Watershed. Halliburton, a natural gas drilling company, is tapping into a reservoir dubbed the “Saudi Arabia of natural gas” and has developed a way to get the gas out of the ground-a hydraulic drilling process called “fracking.”
A group of Bucks County residents along with people from other areas to be affected by the drilling (including Philadelphia & NYC) have been vigorously fighting against the Delaware River Water Basin Commission. Opponents point to the current lack of regulation in the natural gas industry, the absence of a comprehensive analysis of the effects of drilling, & recently documented health implications caused by drilling in other regions of the United States as primary concerns.
Gasland aims to expose pollution and community impacts that are plaguing the places where natural gas drilling occurs, including Pennsylvania.
This Wednesday, June 2, the Delaware Riverkeeper Network is hosting a reception with refreshments at 6:00 pm before the film at the Vine and Fig Tree Bistro to meet Josh Fox. The film will then be shown at 7:00 pm at the County Theater and followed by a panel discussion to address the questions and concerns of the audience.
$20 admission, $35 for film & reception
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