College students can make the most of winter break – and save a tidy sum on tuition – by earning up to eight credits in just four weeks during Winter Session at Bucks County Community College.

Register now for online classes beginning Monday, December 21 and ending Sunday, January 17.

Has the pandemic put a damper on your Winter Break plans? If you typically travel during the Winter Break but find yourself with a lot of time at home this year, make the most of it by getting ahead on college credits.

Bucks County Community College offers a highly concentrated academic term during the winter. It’s the perfect way to catch up on required courses, get ahead for the spring semester, or retake a course from the fall. Did you end up dropping a class during the fall semester? Or maybe you failed a course that you really need for your major or for graduation? This is your chance to get back on track before the spring semester even begins.

Even if you don't need to make-up a class, there are still plenty of reasons to consider taking a winter course. Move ahead in your studies so you can graduate earlier. Take a class now to free up a little time in future semesters to get that killer internship. (Or travel when it's safer to do so!) Try a class that you normally wouldn't fit into your schedule, but you've been curious about. Who knows? It could even lead to a new major.

There are 51 courses offered with 69 total sections, including Introductory Accounting, Basic Human Anatomy, Effective Speaking, Principles of Economics, Digital Literacy, English Composition I, and many more.

All courses are offered completely online, allowing motivated students to study safely from home. (You don't even need to get out of those new cozy pajamas you got for Christmas!) What’s more, credits easily transfer to most four-year colleges and universities. This allows students to work toward their degrees at a lower tuition rate – just $165 a credit for Bucks County residents – and transfer credits back to their home school. Students with a satisfactory academic standing can take up to eight credits during Winter Session.

Students can look up courses and register online at

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