turkey trot

Before you sit down to your Thanksgiving feast this year, work off some pre-dinner calories at the debut Two Town Turkey Trot!Eventbrite - Two Town Turkey Trot 5K & 1 Mile Health Walk

The streets of Lambertville, New Jersey and New Hope, Pennsylvania will fill with runners working up an appetite for their turkey dinners this Thanksgiving morning as the Delaware River Towns Chamber of Commerce holds the inaugural 5-kilometer “Two Town Turkey Trot” road race and a 1-mile health walk on Thursday, November 24.

The race will start promptly at 8 a.m. and will be run rain, shine, or snow.

“It is our pleasure to bring this healthful, national tradition of a Thanksgiving Day run to the Delaware River Towns, and we are excited to present the first cross-state run to our region,” said Glenn Davis, Chamber President. “We know that the runners and spectators will love the beauty that is amplified this time of year in the downtowns of New Hope and Lambertville, and look forward to continuing this tradition annually on Thanksgiving.”

Starting and ending in downtown Lambertville, the course will take runners across the historic and charming Lambertville-New Hope Bridge, through the streets of bustling and festive downtown New Hope, back across the bridge and through Lambertville’s historic downtown business district.

“We are thrilled to expose a broader audience to the Delaware River Towns, and feel that creating a Turkey Trot through New Hope and Lambertville will be the perfect way to kick off the holiday season in these beautiful, historic communities,” said David Morgan, the Chamber Executive Director.

Race registration is $35 in advance online at: www.delawarerivertowns.com/run and $45 the day of the race. Proceeds will support the Chambers’ programs and Fisherman’s Mark, a local non-profit organization that serves those in need in all of the Delaware River Towns communities.

The race course has been approved by the governing bodies in both Lambertville and New Hope.  Course marshaling will be provided by the Lambertville and New Hope police departments and volunteers.

Businesses interested in sponsoring the race may contact the Delaware River Towns Chamber of Commerce at 609-397-0055 for sponsorship information.


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