Nestled amidst the rolling hills of Bucks County, where quaint charm meets modern sophistication, a team of dedicated real estate professionals gathers on a Friday morning for their weekly team meeting. A COVID market rush. Unprecedented buyer tactics, from all cash offers to contingency-free transactions. Rising interest rates. Fears of economic downturn. Landmark case law. The last 5 years in the real estate industry have been a Formula 1 race – break-neck speeds paired with breathtaking turns. And the team at Coldwell Banker Hearthside has maneuvered these twists and turns with the grace and agility of a professional racer.

Change is not just a passing phase but an inherent part of the industry's DNA. From market downturns to the ever-evolving labyrinth of rules and regulations, many realtors the nation over struggle to reach solid ground. But Coldwell Banker Hearthside leans on its foundation to keep the ground firm: family.

How does this family-owned business live out its philosophy of family in the business? Hearthside is doubling down on its greatest assets, its people and culture. The Hearthside team has implemented countless strategies to protect its focus on human connection and meaningful experiences. For businesses with less experience culture can often be the first area to abandon when times are tough. For Hearthside, protecting company culture is a top priority. ” We believe that for our agents to have a truly great experience, we must first provide this internally within our own team,” says Robin Mancuso, Chief Operating Officer. “A strong company has a strong team and you get that by giving your employees an amazing experience as well.”

From the open-door policies of all company leaders to regularly scheduled meetings and events that encourage dialogue and feedback, Hearthside's commitment to transparency, support, and collaboration is what shone through when we spoke to many of the Hearthside team members.

Mark Caola and Tina House1

“What led us to Coldwell Banker Hearthside is 100 percent the ownership and management.  I worked for a large corporation before joining the real estate industry.  I didn’t want to join that type of culture again. Hearthside is the best of all worlds; not a mom-and-pop but not super corporate. We have access to ownership; if you need to call them or have an issue, they are always there to listen and guide you if you ever have any issues.”

– Mark Caola, Team Mark and Tina, Coldwell Banker Hearthside Newtown

Partners since 2003, House and Caola recently re-joined Hearthside after a short experience external to Hearthside.  Over the course of their real estate careers, they have sold over $750 million in luxury real estate sales in the region.

Rico Rodriguez- Newtown Agent

“I fell in love with the culture at Coldwell Banker Hearthside.  The owners (Jamie and Robin) are in the office and very accessible. The manager, Chris Harding has been such a support for me. If I have an issue, he will look into it and provide a solution. If I have an idea, he is there to provide support and help elevate my business. It’s just an amazing feeling to be able to have that in a brokerage.  I had an IT issue and the IT director, Paul, took the time to help me fix the issue outside of business hours and late into the evening. He was going to finish the task through to the end and I had never had that before at another company.”

– Rico Rodriguez, Coldwell Banker Hearthside Newtown

Diamonds are Forged Under Pressure

General Electric. Microsoft. Allstate. Burger King. The businesses that forge through times of economic downturn emerge stronger than ever. With dwindling housing inventory, both homebuyers and real estate agents find themselves navigating turbulent waters. Hearthside, led by sister-brother duo Robin and Jamie Mancuso, spent decades of their lives in the real estate industry, first absorbing as if by osmosis from their father, co-founder Frank Mancuso, then working their way up through various parts of the business. Thanks to these many years of experience, Hearthside remains steadfast and committed to leading its team of more than 400 realtors amidst the chaos and guiding clients through these tumultuous times with unwavering expertise and dedication. While other brokerages are downsizing, Robin and Jamie are focused on the growth and well-being of the team. To its realtors, that looks like a continued emphasis on training. It looks like concise, helpful distillations of changing legislation, interpretations of law, and guidance from the best the industry has to offer. To real estate buyers and sellers, it means that every client in every transaction has the tools to provide expert advice and service.

Sherry Lamelza

“I have to say that CBH really helps me stay on top of any changes in the industry. There is always an opportunity to learn and CBH doesn’t miss a chance to teach us. We have weekly trainings and monthly meetings to keep us all in the know.”

–  Sherry Lamelza, Coldwell Banker Hearthside Doylestown

Scott Freeman Coldwell Banker Hearthside

“I enjoy working with the Coldwell Banker Hearthside staff and leadership. I feel supported and respected. I think that’s an important thing to feel in any place that you decide to work. Hearthside provides us as agents with ample opportunities every week to learn. Whether it be live or in-person meetings, if you can’t make them as an agent, they are recorded for us to watch at a later time so that we don’t miss any opportunity to learn something new in this ever-changing market.”

– Scott Freeman, Coldwell Banker Hearthside Ottsville

The Details Behind the Glamour

With shows like Buying Beverly Hills and Million Dollar Listing, America's love affair with real estate continues to shine bright. Shows like these act as marketing material for the industry, portraying the parts of the job that place realtors and brokers at chic, catered open houses for 25-million-dollar properties. These shows, however, downplay much of the mundanity that comes with any technical industry – from prospecting to contracts to title. But the reality is that the paperwork and the process play crucial roles in every successful real estate business. Hearthside provides a suite of in-house services for realtors, equipping each realtor with a team of expert support. These benefits become even more valuable in times when the market becomes challenging for realtors to float administrative costs on their own.

Marge Boccuti

“From our in-house attorney to my transaction coordinator, to my title closer, I don’t need to hire an assistant for support.   The camaraderie at Hearthside is unparalleled we aren’t competitive with one another we are collaborative, all working together to help each other out. If another agent is having a problem or needs help, 5 other agents step in to assist. We all support each other’s success. ”

– Marge Boccuti, Coldwell Banker Hearthside Newtown

Laurie Anne Moore

“We have a lot of ancillary services here- title, connect closing, and they are always willing to take the time to answer my questions. I was a teacher for 30 years. I enjoy meeting different people and I still get to teach! I love learning and also teaching my clients throughout the real estate process. My favorite part of being a realtor at Hearthside is that I’m constantly learning and I have so much support to grow and learn. There are so many educational opportunities that we have at CBH and it’s free and they make it easy to attend.

– Laurie Anne Moore, Coldwell Banker Hearthside Doylestown

Greater than the Sum of Its Parts

A business, especially a locally-owned one, is not only the story of its owners but of all the people who work to make it successful. In the case of Hearthside, this includes over 400 realtors as well as in-house legal, marketing, contracting, IT, and title teams. Through success and growth, the Mancusos continue to balance the notoriety they have accumulated, both locally and in the industry, with the family-first values that led them to success in the first place.

Heather Fehr

“If you are new to this business and passionate about the industry, I would join a brokerage that offers that support so that you can learn and grow as a new agent. We don’t have desk fees at CBH and you should take this time to learn the right way so that when the market does turn, you have all the tools you need in place to help you succeed. We have that here!”

– Heather Fehr, Coldwell Banker Hearthside Allentown

Fehr is a member of the team the Cliff Lewis Experience.

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