Turn Your Garbage Into Rich Fertilizer and the Ultimate Career Pivot

Every day we dispose of our garbage without a thought. What if certain pieces of that garbage: fruit and banana peels, coffee grounds, pastas, grains, sweets plus other organic material such as: pet fur and flowers were popped into a bucket instead of the trash and turned into something fabulous – an asset or a resource that when added to your own personal garden makes the food that grows more nutritious than otherwise possible? Heather Guidice thought about it and decided to “reduce food waste one household and business at a time” starting in the Bucks County area!

What is Composting?

Composting is the process of burning (adding carbon) to food scraps and discarded organic material and making it reusable. The composting serves several purposes. It keeps items that are bad for the environment OUT of the landfills and it creates a rich fertilizer that helps gardens grow AND actually produce MORE nutritious fruits and vegetables. Pretty cool, huh?

The Kona Compost Process

At Heather’s Bucks County, PA company, Kona Compost, the process starts by contacting her via phone or website and sharing your location. Once approved, Kona Compost will provide you with a bucket for your organic scraps and schedule a pickup of your bucket, perhaps weekly. They do the composting and then return the fertilizer resulting from the process to you. You could also choose to forego the fertilizer produced and simply enjoy being a proponent of the environment!

The Ultimate Career Pivot

Heather Guidice is inspiring in another way as well. In addition to creating a company that protects and enhances our environment, she also created a viable company that combines her interests and values. She was a photo director in the creative world but always an avid gardener. Her co-workers knew she was into composting. When vegetable peels and orange rinds ended up on her desk for her to compost, she decided that there could be a business in composting for others. This inspired the ultimate career pivot! She was already composting for herself and her garden. When friends and neighbors discovered what she was doing they asked her to compost for them too. Eventually, Heather thought composting could be a business, so she went for it. She was right.

If you have considered composting and live in the Bucks County Area, you can contact Heather at Kona Compost to see if you are in her serving area and find answers to any other questions you have. Heather also provides training if you would like to be a do-it-your-selfer like her. https://konacompost.com/

We Are Supported By:

RadianceSpaAP2020 DynamixGymnasticsAP21 EdenOrganicsAP24 ArtinBarnAP23 SellersvilleAP24

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