It’s my favorite time of year again- ice cream season!  Few things are better than enjoying a refreshingly delicious scoop on a warm night.  Bucks County offers a variety of unique, yet classic ice cream shops but one stands above the rest for me- The Zebra-Striped Whale Gourmet Ice Cream & Coffee Cafe.

In December of 2004, Zebra’s doors opened at it’s picturesque location on State Street in Newtown. Like with it’s name, the atmosphere offers just the right amount of zaniness to create the perfect ice cream eating environment. Toppings can be hand-whirled into any ice cream flavor on their frozen granite slab or you can try any of their over-the-top fabulous desserts.  I was also surprised to find out that Zebra offers free Wi-Fi.  Along with a spacious sitting area & full cafe menu, it makes for a great place to have a casual meeting or escape for a few hours. Other features include monthly gallery exhibits by local artists & a children’s picture book library.

The best part about Zebra-Striped Whale is that with quintessential Bucks County fall flavors like Pumpkin Pie, Deep Dish Apple Pie, & Maple Walnut, they give me an excuse to extend the ice cream eating season right through November!

Now you know my favorite ice cream parlor is, but which is the cherry on top for you?

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