Cutting expenses is always a great way to improve the bottom line in your company’s budget. One of those necessary and sometimes costly expenses is your utility bill. But the Bucks County Economic Development Corporation (BCEDC) offers a savings solutions to area businesses through their reverse auction platform.
With the reverse auction service your business doesn’t shop for the lowest price for electric or natural gas service. Instead, the utility companies compete for your business by bidding in a real-time auction and offering you their lowest energy rates. Bidding auctions typically last about 10 minutes and you can see which companies are offering the best rates. When the auction ends, you can choose to move forward with a new company or do nothing. There is no obligation to take any of the offers.
The BCEDC is offering this service to all business entities in Bucks County, whether commercial, educational or non-profit. They schedule the auctions at a convenient time for you at no cost. BCEDC is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide services, programs, education and financial opportunities that support economic growth in Bucks County.
How to Register
To start the process of a reverse auction, submit a copy of your most recent utility bill (front and back of each page). Register at or call the BCEDC at 215-348-9033 with any questions.
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