White or multi-colored lights? Gold or silver ornaments? Star or Angel tree toppers? These are just a few of the highly-debated decisions that go into trimming the perfect Christmas tree.

This December, we're inviting Bucks Happening readers to submit a photo of their Christmas trees in order to enter to win Bucks County's Christmas Tree of the Year 2012! In addition to earning the title, the winner will also take home a $50 gift certificate to The Face & Body Spa in Yardley for some post-holiday pampering.

Here’s how to enter to win:

1. Trim your Christmas tree however you like.
2. Email a photo of the decorated tree to contest@bucks.happeningmag.com or upload here by  December 22nd. Include your name for the listing as well as your phone number & email address so that we can contact you if you win (contact info will not be shared or publicized).
3. Bucks Happening will post the photos as they come in and readers will have the chance to vote for their favorites.
4. The Christmas Tree with the most votes by noon on December 23th will be crowned Bucks County's Christmas Tree of the Year 2012 & will receive a $50 gift card to The Face & Body Spa.

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