When it comes to throwing fabulous parties for kids, parents have a lot on their plate (and we’re not just talking about the cake!). In the midst of their typically hectic schedules, parents try to balance creating a memorable day for their little one, organizing an event that will keep dozens of rambunctious children occupied for several hours, and, of course, keeping the costs of the affair within reason. In a day and age in which Sweet Sixteen parties warrant their own television show, throwing a truly unique birthday party is a challenge.


Photography By: Sarah McKay of “Sara McKay Photography”

One Doylestown-based business has come up with an adorable solution. Fabby-Shabby crafts entirely original and unique party experiences to fit any girl’s personality. Whether she's a Fairy Princess or a Rockin' Rock Star, Fabby celebrations create parties that match each little girl's personality, including Grab-Bag Purse Parties, Fab-Beauty Parties, Fabby-Do Craft and Jewelry Design, Cupcake-Cookie Confections and more!

Exquisite “Fabby-Fancy” Tables are the centerpiece of each celebration, displayed with tiers of antique glass and crystal bowls, filled to the brim with jewelry, makeup, accessories, and trinkets galore. Each guest has the opportunity to choose a sweet purse or tote bag and “Stuff it with Fun!” Plus, both indoor and outdoor Fabby Shaby events include kid-pleasing tent options, available in pink stripes or animal print.

So how was the idea of Fabby created?

Designer and Party-Stylist Robin D. Brackbill of Doylestown, created Fabby in 2010 on a whim with one idea in mind: to help aid mothers-in need through crisis pregnancy centers. Creating fundraising efforts to provide diaper bags filled with necessary baby products for mothers-in-need, Robin hosted her very first home-based “Grab Bag” event, called “The Diaper Duty Project”.  To her surprise, it took only two ”Grab Bag” events to raise funds for forty diaper bags! After dropping the bags of at a local clinic, Robin knew this was what she was destined to do. You can check out www.DiaperDutyProject.org to find out how you can help aid young moms in your local area.

Inspired by a clear vision and her creative gusto, Robin put the pedal to the metal…of a sewing machine that is…turning her dining room into a makeshift studio. Combining her art background from Philly’s Moore College of Art and Design and her goal to raise money for mothers-in-need, Fabby-Shabby Grab Bag Company was born.

“I did not create Fabby just to play dress-up! The reason behind it is much more important to me. I love kids and so enjoy what I do (I'm actually the eldest of 10 children)… but it's about helping crisis pregnancy centers through funds and The Diaper Duty Project.”

Throwing an unforgettable event + contributing to an important local cause = a truly fabulous combination.

You can learn more about hosting a Fabby Party at your home, school, dance class, girl scout troop, block party, or charity event on fabbyshabby.com.


Photography By: Sarah McKay of “Sara McKay Photography”


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