Local leaders are increasingly recognizing the benefits of supporting homegrown development of Bucks County businesses, and one of the organizations at the forefront of that movement is Bucks County Community College.

Small businesses and entrepreneurship help spur economic development at the local and regional levels. In addition to creating revenue and jobs, the small business community supports an important economic layer – between employees and contractors, mentors and mentees, and overall support networks.

Despite the fact that entrepreneurs are often showered with praise and adoration, creating and building a startup is extremely hard work, work that is often exhausting and lonely. Nine out of ten startups will fail.  And while financial support is important, the role of strong colleagues, mentors, and fellowship can play just as important of a role for startups.

Luckily, Bucks County entrepreneurs are finding a fierce ally in Bucks County Community College. Here are five ways that they can access community support at Bucks:

  1. BucksIQ: Can anyone recommend a great local accountant? Which bank is best for small business loans? Entrepreneurs need guidance, and Bucks County Community College has answered that call by launching an innovative platform called BucksIQ. By centralizing a social, professional, and vibrant community, they hope to forward economic development in the Bucks County region. Click the link for a simple sign up to express your interest. They will include you in the county-wide launch of this innovative platform later this year BucksIQ.com
  2. Professional Development: According to a Gartner Research study, for every hour spent on employee training, five hours of productivity are saved per year. And for small business owners, cultivating a strong workforce can be a huge challenge. Bucks offers opportunities for local businesses to enhance workplace skills and improve productivity essential for success in a high-performing workforce. A wide range of programs are offered to help business maintain a competitive edge, including Lead Six Sigma, Technical Writing, and English as a Second Language.
  3. Online Courses: Life is hectic so having the flexibility to participate in e-learning programs can make a huge impact on a business community’s ability to access opportunities.  Bucks offers a variety of programs in this flexible and convenient learning format. Students attend class from anywhere – in the office, at home, at school, or on the road, and study at a pace that’s right for them. The college offers credit & non-credit courses, check them out here.
  4. Business @ Bucks: Bucks County Community College has long been a front-runner in training future and current business leaders to be their very best. For those just starting out or looking for a career change consider the school’s programs in Entrepreneurship. The college offers a Certificate and a Degree program, both available completely online. Certificate Courses may be taken independently, but all three are required to receive the certification. Their newest certificate is in Digital & Social Media Marketing, which can be completed online within 6 months.



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