Heather Guidice, Happening Women 2023
Heather is quite literally saving the world with her company, Kona Compost, one bucket at a time. Her services help keep food waste out of our landfills and instead use it to create rich and fertile soil, which our lives quite literally depend on.  Her dream of combining her love for gardening with her work is now a reality as she helps hundreds of members of our community lead more environmentally supportive lifestyles. Kona Compost how assists over 300 customers, both residential and commercial, in taking easy steps toward a healthier planet. Customers have compostable materials picked up on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. From there, collected food scraps are transported to a local farm where they are processed into compost. Customers can also receive compost back if they wish. Heather is proud that Kona Compost has proven that people are willing to change.
Heather Guidice, Happening Women 2023

We asked Heather…

How did you get started?

It all began circa 2015/16 while working as a photo director. Colleagues knew I composted at home and they began bringing their food scraps to my office. I would take home their waste, add it to my compost bin, grow vegetables, and bring them tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, etc., creating a full circle. Fast forward to 2018, I was laid off and took the rest of the year to put a business plan together to launch Kona Compost Co. in January 2019.

Who or what inspired you most in your line of work?

Having the ability to create and direct change in my community and help others lead a more sustainable life has been most inspirational.

What about your organization makes you the proudest?

I am most proud of our growth and outreach in the community. We started just prior to the pandemic and continued to grow during a challenging time.

What surprised you the most in your organization's history, pleasantly or unpleasantly?

What I’ve found most surprising is people’s willingness to embrace change. We’ve had so many new composters sign up and take the leap to make sustainable changes in their lives.

What advice would you share for any woman looking to start or join an organization such as yours?

Connect with other business owners, community members, and organizations to begin building your network. Find your tribe and make it a point to reach out, ask questions & be curious.

What in your life do you NOT spend time on?

Negativity. Life is too short to not be happy.

The best piece of advice that a mentor gave to you…could be anyone in your life or on any subject?

Failing or making mistakes is just an opportunity to learn & grow. You’ll always walk away learning more about the subject or yourself. Assess, adjust, and keep moving forward.

Can you share with new business owners some realistic expectations they can have when getting started?

When I started I didn’t have a tight plan but I went for it. The key to success is you need to be ok with adjusting along the way. Because it is your business you can make the rules, and it’s okay to make them and break them as long as you’re moving forward. What’s the worst that can happen? No matter what you will learn.

Can you share some advice for those looking to start their own business?

Get a mentor. Having a mentor was invaluable. I saw a mentor in a free program Bucks County program called Score. It was great to have a business mentor and learn how to write a business plan and a marketing plan.

What's next for you?

Refills are next. On my website, you can already find 40 personal growth and household items that I can swap for my compost customers. I plan to grow that portion of the business moving forward.

Did you have a role model?

Yes, Bennett Compost in Philadelphia. When I needed some inspiration and was thinking am I crazy? What am I doing? I didn’t feel alone seeing what Bennett had accomplished.

Do you have a daily ritual that helps keep you focused?

I walk my yard and gardens and observe who is using it for 20 minutes a day. I sit and listen. Nature helps me be focused for the day.

Photography by Alison Dunlap

Bucks Happening collaborated with our partners at Fox & Holly to dress our 2023 Happening Women Honorees.  Fashion was custom-selected based on each woman's personality.  Check out Fox & Holly, part of the locally-owned LSL Brands company, owned and led by Bucks County entrepreneur Karen Thompson.

Heather is wearing a flannel from Marine Layer and pants by Liverpool.

Shop a curated collection of top fashion at Fox & Holly. Peddler's Village Shop, 162, Lahaska, PA 18931

Heather Guidice, Happening Women 2023

Special thanks to the following partners for helping to support this feature:

La Chele Medical Aesthetics
Fox and Holly Bucks County
Fox and Holly Bucks County
Radiance Spa
Jefferson Outpatient Imagine

We Are Supported By:

FamilyServiceBucksAP22 PureBarreAP21 RiverHouseAP22 ArdanaAP23 BBHairAP22

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