Kangoo Shoes

Kangoo Shoes

With bathing suit season just around the corner, many of us are looking for a fun way to tone up.  That's why I was so excited to see a new fitness class arrive in town earlier this year, a workout that allows me to embrace my inner child while still getting an amazing workout- Jump Fit.

Going into class at the Newtown Athletic Club, I knew that the workout centered around “jumping shoes”…however, I found myself picturing the 1980s-esque moonbounce shoes of my childhood. Imagine my surprise, then, when I arrived in class and picked out my super modern “Kangoo Shoes”.  These shoes go on like rollerblades, provide a lot of stability, and give the perfect amount of bounce. (Quick tip: Like rollerblading, though, I found myself wishing I had worn higher socks.) The class also utilizes “Urban Rebounders” which are simply mini-trampolines.

Way better than "moonbounce shoes"

Way better than “moonbounce shoes”!

Through constant movement (and I mean CONSTANT movement), the class targets all three zones of the body: core, lower body and upper body. The cardio reduces body fat while the bounces protect joints and strengthens muscles. The class was the perfect mix of fun with function, spicing up my normal workout routine but still kicking my butt!




Check it out for yourself:

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