We're happy to announce the BucksHappening.com & Uncle Dave's Ice Cream online Jack-o-Lantern/Pumpkin Painting photo contest!! The contest will run from October 19th- October 28th, 2010. We'll post the images and the Bucks Happening readers will get to choose their favorite. The jack-o-lantern or painted pumpkin with the most votes on the Bucks Happening website by 11:59pm on 10/28 will be named Best Pumpkin of Bucks 2010 and be awarded $100 worth of Uncle Dave's Ice Cream tokens! Entrants must submit a photo of their jack-o-lantern or painted pumpkin, along with their contact information, to contest@bucks.happeningmag.com. All entries must follow official rules and regulations, which are posted at www.BucksHappening.com. We will keep adding jack-o-lanterns and painted pumpkins into the running as we receive them. Enter now!


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