Single in the suburbs christmasWhat’s it like being a single, twenty-something, gal dating in Bucks County? Follow Single in the Suburbs as she takes us on her dating (mis)adventures! For more fun in between articles, follow her on Twitter.

It’s crunch time! Everyone running around last minute, trying to get gifts that say you care, but usually just settling for a gift card. Okay, well, maybe that’s just me. What about the person you’re dating? Dating during the holidays can be confusing, especially if you’re single and “kinda seeing” a guy. Do I get him something? We’ve gone out more than 3 times now. We text a lot. Will he get me something? What if I get something and he doesn’t? Will I look desperate??

So you’re at a point where you’ve followed my musings and advice thus far throughout the year and now you’re “kinda seeing someone,” but it’s “nothing official.” It’s like an awkward in between phase. For the holidays, I’m the type of person that likes to spread Christmas cheer to all (or Hannukah cheer, Kwanzaa cheer; point is, I like to spread cheer). So my recommendation for the awkward “kinda dating” someone gift is to keep it simple!

Giving a small gift or a card during the holiday season is a great way to reconnect with old friends or connect deeper with new ones. Write a cute card (or an obnoxiously funny one) to give to someone you're seeing. Homemade treats can also be nice, especially if you want to let him or her know about your amazing baking skills. One year, I received a $10 gift card to Starbucks from a guy who I’d been getting closer to around the holiday season. I thought that was cute and thoughtful (He noted my Starbucks addiction! Was it that obvious?) without going overboard. The point is, you can't go wrong with simple and thoughtful.

Bucks County is full of shops brimming with fun little gifts. This year, explore your own backyard and find something that says, “Hey, you’re pretty cool.” I should also note that by doing this you’d be helping the local economy, which is always a great thing.

Still stumped? Well, how about this- instead of a gift, try planning a “holiday date?” Seeing the gingerbread houses and the lights at Peddler’s Village is one of my favorite things to do around the holidays and is a perfect date night in Bucks County to celebrate the holiday season. Some other great date ideas would be to grab some hot chocolate and drive through the light display at Shady Brook Farm! (I've yet to do this – worst Bucks Countian ever!?) Ice skating is another classic date around this time of year. There are a few rinks around the area, such as The Rink at Warwick or take a drive into the city for a scenic outdoor rink. And as always, the BucksHappening Holiday Guide can supply you with many more events!

Finally, if you're not dating someone this holiday season, embrace it!  As Bill Nighy's character in Love Actually so eloquently puts it in the below clip, the important thing is spending the holidays with the people you love.

Thanks to all of the readers and viewers of Wishing everyone a very happy holiday and a wonderful New Year!

And as the holiday movie, Love Actually, remind us, “If you can't say it at Christmas, when can you, eh?”

Warning: Suggestive language in the below clip

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